The Rosary Vine (Ceropegia woodii), also known as String of Hearts, is a stunning trailing succulent renowned for its delicate, heart-shaped leaves. With vines that can reach 2 to 4 feet, this charming plant enhances indoor spaces by adding a touch of green elegance. The plant thrives in bright indirect light and can even tolerate full sun with some shade during peak hours.
As a drought-tolerant succulent, the Rosary Vine excels in environments with dry air and minimal watering, making it an excellent choice for beginner gardeners. During active growth periods in spring and summer, water thoroughly and allow the soil to dry out before the next watering. In fall and winter, reduce watering to avoid overwatering, as this plant is susceptible to root rot. Feed monthly with a diluted liquid fertilizer to encourage healthy growth.
This vine thrives at summer temperatures of 70-75°F and prefers a cooler environment around 60-65°F in winter. Its unique vines resemble delicate wires adorned with marbled hearts, making it an ideal choice for hanging baskets or pedestal planters. To ensure long-term health, repot the plant every spring using porous soil with added sand for drainage. Avoid letting the plant sit in water, and ensure pots have proper drainage holes to prevent soggy roots.
Add this unique and resilient plant to your collection for a low-maintenance, beautiful addition to your indoor garden.
Key Features
- Type of Plant: Trailing Succulent Vine
- Condition: Live Plant in 2.5″ Pot
- Mature Size: Vines grow up to 2-4 feet in length
- Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light, occasional direct sun with shade
- USDA Zone Growing: 10-12
- Soil Type: Porous soil with added sand for drainage
- Sunlight Exposure: Bright indirect light, tolerates full sun with shade
- Expected Planting Period: Year-round indoor plant
- Low Maintenance: Drought-tolerant and thrives with minimal care, perfect for busy plant lovers.
- Aesthetic Appeal: Beautiful, heart-shaped leaves that add a charming touch to any room.
- Versatile Display: Ideal for hanging baskets or high shelves to showcase trailing vines.
- Resilient: Withstands dry air, infrequent watering, and varying indoor temperatures.
- Perfect Gift: An elegant and unique plant suitable for collectors or as a thoughtful gift.
Q1: How often should I water my Rosary Vine?
A: Water thoroughly, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. Reduce watering during the winter months.
Q2: Can the Rosary Vine tolerate direct sunlight?
A: Yes, it can handle full sun if protected during the hottest part of the day. Bright indirect light is ideal.
Q3: What type of soil is best for this plant?
A: Use porous potting soil with coarse sand to ensure proper drainage and prevent root rot.
Q4: How long do the vines grow?
A: The vines can grow between 2-4 feet, making the plant ideal for hanging baskets or elevated planters.
Q5: Does the Rosary Vine need fertilizer?
A: Yes, feed monthly during spring and summer with diluted liquid fertilizer to support healthy growth.
Enhance your indoor décor with the Rosary Vine – Ceropegia woodii! Order today to enjoy the beauty of trailing heart-shaped leaves in your space. D
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